Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our very special donors - children of Diegueno Country School, USA

This is first time that we have seen children coming together to donate for the education of children of their own age, as they understand the need and importance of education. Everybody was so moved by the act of the children of Diegueno Country School, that we decided to make this learning center an exceptional one.

The area was identified by the organization on the basis of need. Most of the girls in this area were not in school. When a trained teacher and the staff of IIMPACT approached the community to propose a learning centre in their village - where only girls would be enrolled and would be taught till primary level - they welcomed the idea.

The community helped the teacher to identify the children and the place where the classes would be held. A thatched roof house was identified which was abandoned years ago by its owner Mr. Daruk Khan who relocated with his family to a town nearby. He was then approached by the community heads to motivate him to donate the area for the running on the centers for community girls.

Then the people from the community and especially Mr. Deen Mohammad, came forward to help the IIMPACT team to clean and decorate the place for the children. A classroom which has vibrant colors and pictures was made by the students.

Though in a village of Mewat, we tried to create an environment which is somewhat close to the private schools in the town area. This would not have been possible without the help of the village community and the local staff.

Classes at this Centre were formally started in February 2009. Most of the girls of this centre have never been to school. Thanks to the children of Deigueno Country School, Mrs. Sushma Patel and Mrs. Jas Grewal, the girls are getting acquainted with our method of joyful learning.

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